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The most hydrating drinks and foods


Throughout the isolation there were behaviors that were important to adopt at home to maintain physical health and contribute to the normal functioning of our body.

Water plays a fundamental role for our body and performs several essential functions such as:

– Transportation of nutrients;

– Elimination of unnecessary waste and toxins through urine;

– Regulation of body temperature through sweat loss;

– Lubrication and protection of the joints;

– Contribution to good cognitive and mood functioning;

– Prevention of constipation; among others.

For this reason, on average, you should drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day (depending on several factors such as daily energy expenditure, body weight, and the daily intake of several nutrients such as fiber, for example). Not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration causing symptoms such as fatigue, muscle aches, low blood pressure, and rapid heart rate.

Besides pure water, did you know that there are beverages and foods that contribute to your daily hydration? Get to know some of them:

1. Tea

Just as eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables helps ensure a full intake of vitamins and minerals, a variety of teas also ensures a wide range of micronutrients. Whether hot or cold, tea consumption, combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle, brings several benefits to the body such as fat loss, lowering blood pressure, strengthening bones and the immune system, preventing the aging process, and helping to improve mood.

However, it all depends on how they are prepared and what type of tea is used. In addition, you should also pay attention to the doses you ingest. Remember, too much is bad for you. You can add foods such as lemon, ginger or cinnamon to enhance the properties.

2. Watermelon

Watermelon is one of the fruits with the highest water content. One serving (160g) of watermelon contains more than 120ml of water, in addition to several important nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C and magnesium. Because of its high water content, watermelon has few calories which contributes to a loss or maintenance of body weight.

3. Lemonade

Without added sugar, a glass of lemonade has a high antioxidant power in the body (thanks to its high vitamin C content) and few calories. In addition, it reduces joint inflammation, has antibacterial properties, and also contributes to skin health by cleansing and relieving rashes. Adding lemon to drinks stimulates the liver and the body to release enzymes essential for digestion and toxin release.

4. Coconut water

Coconut water is a natural beverage that has numerous nutritional and functional properties. Low in sugars and fats (about 20 calories per 100ml) and high in potassium, calcium and magnesium, it is a great refreshment to include in your diet. It prevents dehydration and controls body sodium content and is suitable for hypertensives. In some poorer countries coconut water can even be a substitute for protein foods because it contains several amino acids similar to those found in milk.

5. Cucumber

Cucumber is made up of about 95% water, making it one of the lowest calorie foods. On the other hand, it contains a small amount of nutrients such as vitamin K, potassium and magnesium. It can be eaten as an accompaniment to a main meal along with a salad, as a nutritious snack or they can even be added to your smoothies for added flavor.

6. Cauliflower

Cauliflower contains about 92% water in its constitution and is an excellent vegetable to include in your diet. Each 100g of cauliflower provides approximately 60ml of mare, as well as 3g of fiber. In addition it is an excellent source of a great deal of nutrients, including choline (essential for proper brain function).


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